Here at Precision Wildlife our staff has been asked to participate in something that is not part of their normal routine, something that may not be an individual expertise but will certainly test our abilities to work as a team to accomplish an objective no matter what the challenges are.
The objective
Our teams have been asked to design a custom hat as well as a custom t-shirt that they feel best represents Precision Wildlife and offers appeal to an outside audience. Some rules that do apply are to; include either our company logo, phone #, website link or any version ( even if it is subtle) of one of these items mentioned on both the hats and the t-shirts.
The Teams
The teams have been broken down into 4 teams of 3. We chose to go the old name in a hat route in order to establish these teams and we certainly have some interesting groupings. Some teams have been quickly recognized as favorites due to past experience with design while some are seen as underdogs for reasons unannounced to me. Participation from all team members is expected!
Friends of Facebook & Precision Wildlife!

We will present all designs for your viewing and voting on October 15th and based on your votes we will produce the 2 most popular designs of both the hats and the t-shirts.
When providing us with your vote for best designs you will be automatically entered to win one of our many prizes. Prizes will consist of but are not limited to numerous gift cards, golf accesories other items to be named at a later date.

A Charitable DonationWhen providing us with your vote for best designs you will be automatically entered to win one of our many prizes. Prizes will consist of but are not limited to numerous gift cards, golf accesories other items to be named at a later date.

Precision Wildlife will donate $1 for every hat or shirt sold to a charity chosen by the group as a whole. Please feel free to share any suggestions you may have of someone or some organization that you feel is deserving.
The Final Say!
The winners will be deterimined by their production. We will offer these t-shirts and hats up for purchase just in time for the holiday season. These items will make for that perfect gift, stocking stuffer or it may just be on your "can't wait to get list"!
In fairness of the competition we will not disclose the designs and thier team players until they go to print! Hope you all our looking forward to seeing the new designs....I know we are!

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